Dating Kiss: What Not To Do When Kissing?  

Posted by Anoop Garg

Don’t look horribly when your partner approaches you for a kiss.

Don’t use too much tongue.

Don’t use much saliva while kissing.

Don’t just let your partner do all the work during the kiss.

Don’t mash your lips against your partner’s.

Don’t eat garlic, onion or other harsh foods before a kiss. Eat some sweet fruits like grapes, mango etc.

Don’t remain emotionless after kissing your partner and gives her/him a smile.

Don’t open your mouth very widely while kissing as it feels like you are sucking the other person in.

Don’t do first kiss with your partner in public in front of others.

Dating Kiss: 18 Places to Kiss Your Girlfriend  

Posted by Anoop Garg in , ,

  1. Her Lips
  2. Curve of her waist
  3. Palm of her hand
  4. Under her chin
  5. Behind her ear
  6. Underside of her forearm
  7. Inside of her ankle
  8. Her eyelids
  9. Her spine
  10. Her tummy
  11. Her collar bone
  12. Tips of her fingers
  13. Behind her knees
  14. Back of her neck
  15. Her cheeks
  16. Her Forehead
  17. Small of her back
  18. Her temple

Love Tips: Lovers Kiss and their different Meanings  

Posted by Anoop Garg in , , ,

Kiss Meanings

Kiss on the lips - I love you.

Kiss on the cheek - I want your friendship

Kiss on the nose - Let’s get silly.

Kiss on the Forehead – We are together forever

Kiss on the ears - Let’s enjoy

Kiss on the hand - I care you.

Kiss on the chin - You are sweet and cute!

Kiss on the neck - I want you.

Kiss on the stomach – I am ready dear

Gesture Meanings

Holding Hands - We surely like each other

Slap on the butt - That’s mine

Holding on tight - I will never let you go

Looking into each other’s Eyes - I simply love you

Arms around the Waist - I Love You so much.

Laughing while Kissing - I am always comfortable with you

Love Tips: 50 most romantic things to do with your Partner in Love  

Posted by Anoop Garg in ,

Here I am giving some very useful and very romantic things to be done with your Boyfriend or Girlfriend in your love relationship. So, Please try them out..

1. Watch the sunset together.

2. Whisper to each other.

3. Cook for each other.

4. Walk in the rain.

5. Hold hands.

6. Buy gifts for each other.

7. Roses.

8. Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear it every time you're together.

9. Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.

10. Write poetry for each other

11. Hugs are the universal medicine.

12. Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it.

13. Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.

14. Tell her that she's the only girl you ever want. Don't lie.

15. Spend every second possible together.

16. Look into each other's eyes.

17. Very lightly push up her chin, look into her eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.

18. When in public, only flirt w/ each other.

19. Put love notes in their pockets when they aren't looking.

20. Buy her a ring.

21. Sing to each other.

22. Always hold her around her hips/sides.

23. Take her to dinner and do the dinner for two deal.

24. Spaghetti? (Ever see Lady and the Tramp?)

25. Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over our heart.

26. Dance together.

27. Let your girl fall asleep with her head in your lap. (It looks real cute)

28. Do cute things like write I love you in a note so that they have to look in a mirror to read it.

29. Make excuses to call them every 5 minutes

30. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you.

31. Call from your vacation spot to tell them you were thinking about them.

32. Remember your dreams and tell her about them.

33. Always tell her how pretty she looks.

34. Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears.

35. Be Prince Charming to her parents. (Brownie Points)

36. Brush her hair out of her face for her.

37. Hang out with his/her friends. (more brownie points)

38. Go to church/pray/worship together.

39. Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the parts she liked.

40. Learn from each other and don't make the same mistake twice.

41. Describe the joy you feel just to be with him/her.

42. Make sacrifices for each other.

43. Really love each other, or don't stay together.

44. Let there never be a second during any given day that you aren't; thinking about them, and make sure they know it.

45. Love yourself before you love anyone else.

46. Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages.

47. Dedicate songs to them on the radio.

48. Fall asleep on the phone with each other.

49. Stand up for them when someone talks trash.

50. Never forget the kiss goodnight. And always remember to say, "Sweet dreams."

Dating Tips: Top Tips for Girls in Love  

Posted by Anoop Garg in , , ,

Here I am giving some nice and cool tips for the girls for dating.

  • Always look great, whatever your income. Gorgeous hair and some lipstick and wearing rags will still turn his head. You have the advantage, you are the girl. Look your best as you could meet a potential Mr. Right anywhere at any time.

  • Never reveal information you don't have to. An enigmatic girl drives boy wild.

  • Keep dates brief but your guy interested. Less is always more.

  • Try and stay in shape and involve some fitness regime at a gym. However much you hate it, your Mr. Right loves your body as much as your mind.

  • Let your guy pay. If he is interested, he is interested enough to ensure you eat well and get home safely in a cab.

  • Ensure you receive flowers, if he doesn't know what a florist is, dump him.

  • Never ever sleep with a guy until he has fallen for you. Sex early in your dating game plan will ruin everything.

  • Always keep a guy waiting and never turn up early. It is a lady's perogative.

  • Never be available when he wants you to be. Never be at the end of a phone when he calls and always let him leave a message or two first before replying.

  • If he is available Tuesday, you are available Thursday.

  • Weekend shopping trips with girlfriends are sacred and not available for dates.

  • Keep your man standing on quicksand by shifting landmarks and goalposts constantly.

  • Ensure you are a good kisser. Men will walk away if you cannot kiss. Practise on a mirror if you have to.

  • Never ever talk about previous boyfriends and particularly their prowess in the bedroom. The number of ex boyfriends is your business only.

  • Never pre suppose anything about your date until you choose to know him better. You cannot always tell by looking

  • If any man shows the slightest signs of possessiveness or insecurity run like the wind. Life is too short for boys.

  • If his shoes or hygiene are a disgrace dump him

  • Never talk too much about your father and how your date measures up in comparison.

  • Never ever come across as too available or too desperate, he will run a mile. He is the one doing the chasing remember.

  • If the guy in the corner is gorgeous go and get him and create the need in him for you. Never wait for men to come to you because you may watch him leave with someone else.

  • You may well have all the bodily functions of a man, just try not to demonstrate them early on.

  • If you are wanting a child, don't mention it on the first few dates.

  • Never ever criticize his mother unless you want to remain single.

Love Advice: Where There is Love, There is a Way  

Posted by Anoop Garg in , ,

Many of us make such mistakes and “give up” thinking things would get better in future or when time comes. Its wrong “nothing will work for us until we work for it”.

Understand Their Background

The first and the foremost thing for a good relationship is to understand each others backgrounds as both of them are from different families, cultures, traditions, experiences and habits. Both should be well aware of this and respect each others backgrounds and habits to keep harmony in their lives. Which Ramesh and saritha never tried to do so.

Give and Take

Any relationship has to follow “Give and Take” formula. I believe to get what you wanted from your partner, try giving the same to him/her first and see how it works. If Saritha wanted Ramesh to respect her opinions, Ideas and feelings she could have initiated that first, then things would have been better for her.


Communication plays a key role in maintaining good relationship. Its always good to express yourself clearly and openly. Never expect the person in front of you would know what's on your mind or your expectation. Just say it!

Appreciate Each Other

Both should consciously appreciate and help each other to maintain the balance in the family. Ultimately the fact remains that both of them need each other to live peacefully.


Expectation from your partner should be clear, genuine and realistic. You should always check whether he is able to understand what you are expecting or whether your partner is capable and comfortable with your expectation.. Ramesh wanted to play safe, Saritha always wanted to stretch a bit. However they never expressed it clearly.


Every person is Unique and different to the other for their own experiences and situations in life. The Behavior, likes and dislikes would mostly depend on their experiences. So before taking it into consideration or judging your partner's behavior just give a thought that “I would be a totally different person for him/her or maybe he/she has some problem with my behavior“.


There's a saying “It is not what happens to you but How you react to it, that matters”. Our life is all about our own reactions. So act well and react less for the incidents which makes you frustrated. There's no point stretching the thread until it breaks.


Though both have different roles to play personally or professionally they should have a common goal for the family. For that both need to understand and work towards that goal. Once the goal is set and the vision is clear commitment comes automatically. Ramesh and Saritha were always going in two different directions.


Ideally in relationship to sustain the bonding and enthusiasm, the couple should develop certain habits and interests which can add more fun to the life. Like drinking coffee daily together , going for a walk or doing gardening together. Such things make living more memorable.


Another important aspect for good relationship is maintaining individual's space. Both should have their own space irrespective of their closeness. Every individual will have their own interests, passions, hobbies and talents. Both should respect and appreciate each others interests and talents to have a healthy family.

The motivation to do all the above comes from the amount you love your partner!!!

Ready To Express Your love By Saying - I Love You  

Posted by Anoop Garg in

There is a right time for every task you perform especially in your love life. We have to wait for the right time to come to perform any task. Don’t be too late that you have to feel sorry for it. Many people often wonder when the right time to tell someone you love them is. Do you wait after so many months of dating? The minute you feel that rush of emotions? Is it a magic moment where you just “know”?

There are different thinking and opinions about these three words of different peoples. Some people will say that if you say the words “I love you” too much, they lose their meaning. Some says that these three words are the starting of the good day. If you think that you are ready to say “I Love You” to someone then consider these important tips.

Don’t confuse love with lust: It is very easy to think that I am in love but in reality you don’t have “true love” just yet. So feel the difference between the two and wait until it changes into a True Love.

Make sure you really know each other: Some people know each other very quickly, some takes time. The more you know about a person the more you can be sure your feelings are real.

Be sure they love you back: Some people may feel nervous or flustered if you tell them you love them too soon. Some say why you waited so long to say this. So be sure that the feelings you have about him , he/ she also have the same feelings about you.

Say it only if you mean it: Saying “I love you” should mean you are ready for a serious and exclusive relationship with someone. So be sure before saying it that you are really in love.

Remember actions speak louder than words: Only just saying “I Love You” is not enough for a true love. Holding hands, doing a favor for the person, show them you’re thinking of them, listening intently to them, or enjoying their favorites hobbies together are all ways of showing your love.